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2016 Reading List

2016 Reading List

One of my New Years Resolutions was to read at least five books. I made a trip to Barnes & Noble and got a little excited about reading for the year. I ended up buying three books to get me started for the next few months (remember, I'm a pretty slow reader) and made a note of a few others. 

1. Wild by Cheryl Strayed

I just started reading this book and I'm already in love with it. The author of the book tells her story of her time spent hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and why she was prompted to do it. I'm not even 30 pages in and I already know I'm going to want to do it by the time I finish the book. You may have seen the movie that was in theaters a few months ago! 

2. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by J.K. Rowling

Okay, I'm pretty late on this one, right? I've never really been interested in Harry Potter until lately (and I'm not really sure why) but have watched a few of the movies and now I want to read the books! I may not end up reading all of them but I'm anticipating it to be a fun read! 

3. The Wild Truth by Carine McCandless

In high school, I read Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer for my English class and absolutely loved it (I would definitely recommend) but this book is almost like a prequel to Into the Wild. It is the real truth behind why Chris McCandless went into the wild alone, told by his sister, Carine. So excited about this one! 

4. Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different by Karen Blumenthal

This book tells the story of Steve Jobs, from the time he was given up for adoption, his life through college, and how he used his abilities to push boundaries far beyond what anyone could have expected. If you're looking for something inspiring, check this book out!

5. Cupcake by Rachel Cohn

The sequel to Gingerbread and Shrimp, Cupcake follows the life of Cyd Charrisse who moves from San Francisco to NYC to find a new life and a new love. I'm excited to start reading this one and I think it will be a fun read about life in the big Apple.


Do you have a reading list this year? Let me know in the comments below!

xoxo, emily

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