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2015 In Review & My New Years Resolutions

2015 In Review & My New Years Resolutions

Wow, I have to say that 2015 flew by faster than any year before. 

I traveled to and through seven different states and one other country, I learned how to row and competed in my first regatta as a college athlete (and placed 5th!!), moved to Oklahoma, met so many new people, and completed my first semester of college- and thats just the big things! 

So now as the sun sets on 2015 and the sun rises on 2016, let's talk about New Years Resolutions.

Now that 2016 is here, I've come up with some realistic New Years Resolutions that I am going to be working towards this year. I feel like one thing many people do is set these goals that are so involved and that they get bored of within in the first month of the year. I want to take my time with these goals throughout the year, not to say I completed something but to make 2016 a great year. 

  1. Read at least 5 books
    1. I know this doesn't sound like very many books but I am a very slow reader. I've always loved reading but lately I've really wanted to read multiple books. I am just about done reading Friday Night Lights and I will be starting Wild by Cheryl Strayed next!
  2. Run
    1. I've also started running more lately, too! This is something that I have not always loved but I am super excited about running and my goal with this is just to rack up as many miles as possible on the Nike Running app.
  3. Be more useful with my spare time
    1. This goes right along with using social media less. It is so easy for me to sit and scroll through Twitter or Facebook when I have 15 minutes here or there. My goal here is to use this time to do something a little more useful, like working with my blog and learning all I can about how to make it better. 

Feel free to leave a comment own below with your New Year Resolutions! 

As always, make today beautiful.

xoxo, emily

2016 Reading List

2016 Reading List

New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions