Hi there!

Welcome to my blog. I hope you find something that inspires you, makes you smile or gives you an itch to create something new. Take a look around, talk soon!

obsession de semaine

obsession de semaine

 Birthday After a very fun weekend, I can't help but feel extremely blessed with the friends and family I have. Thursday night, my parents surprised me with a new car! They bought me a Jeep Cherokee that I absolutely love! I also got to see my favorite country singer EVER in concert Saturday night, Kenny Chesney. He is amazing in concert! That night, my brother came home from Washington DC, too! It had been about two months since he was in Colorado so now I just get to spend some time with my brother before heading off to Oklahoma.

Packing & College & Such This next week, I will spend packing and saying goodbye to friends. It's a bittersweet thing but I am very excited to get to Oklahoma. Right now, my room looks like my closet exploded onto my bed and floor. And that's just my clothes. My dining room table currently looks like a Pinterest board. I can't imagine getting all of this into my car but soon enough, we will see!

Social Media I would love for you to follow me on my TDD Social Media sites. If you look at my sidebar, you will find icons to follow me. You can stay up to date on what I'm posting and you'll be in the know for all things TDD.

Because it's going to be such a crazy next few days for me, I will only be posting every other weekday instead of every weekday. I will return to my normal posting schedule next week once I have some time to get settled. 

xoxo, emily

Cabi Fall Line

Cabi Fall Line

Favorite Snacks