Hi there!

Welcome to my blog. I hope you find something that inspires you, makes you smile or gives you an itch to create something new. Take a look around, talk soon!

Current Favorites

Current Favorites

A monthly collection of the things I've found funny, interesting and everything in between

I'm just now realizing how crazy this past week and weekend have been as I'm getting a chance to sit down and write this. I've spent the whole last week trying to get settled in my classes and get back in the groove of things. Of course, in my moments of procrastination, I've found some fun things on the Internet to show you this week. 

The Bold Type // I started watching this show on the Freeform website a few weeks ago, and I've been hooked ever since. It's based on three girls who are an editor, assistant and social media manager at Scarlet Magazine, based in New York City. It is full of inspiring moments and is right up my alley, as I would love to be in the magazine industry someday. 

Future of Fashion with Alexa Chung // I know I've shared this before, but I've recently discovered new episodes of this little series from British Vogue. Alexa Chung tears apart New York City to find the tips, tricks and secrets of those in the fashion industry. Again, if you're a fashion lover, this is most definitely for you.

NYC Apartment Tour // If you've been around here for a while, you'll know that I love to watch Sara Dietschy on YouTube. She lives in New York City and is living her dream while getting to create cool content on a daily basis - the dream.  She posted her apartment tour recently - I just love to see/tour apartments to get inspiration for decoration, setup, etc. in general, but bonus points for this one being a cute studio in New York.

I've just realized that each of these had something to do with New York City in some way - definitely not planned. But, I did happen to post my most recent New York City Travel Guide on the blog last week - see it here

That's all I've got for you this week - make sure to check out that blog post, and take a look at the photos from our NYC trip!

xoxo, emily

Goal Check In

Goal Check In

I Will Always Love You, New York

I Will Always Love You, New York